An Indisputable Ranking Of Every Steven Spielberg Movie, From Fine To Phenomenal

Steven Spielberg is the most popular, successful, and recognizable filmmaker of all time. He has more films in the AFI 100 than any other director. Adjusted for inflation, four films he directed are in the top 25 highest-grossing of all time (five if you give him credit for Jurassic World). His worldwide grosses are almostContinue reading “An Indisputable Ranking Of Every Steven Spielberg Movie, From Fine To Phenomenal”

Top Ten Films: 2005

(A “Then & Now” perspective.) This Top 10 is actually a 20, because sometimes ten just isn’t enough. Actually, it’s because that’s how I wrote it back when it was originally published a decade ago, and if I’m bothering to re-post it I may as well re-post the whole thing, right?

All By Myself: Another ‘Survivor’ Lives To Tell

If there’s a theme at the movies for 2013, it’s survival. Sure, lots and lots of movies are about survival — like, almost all of them. The biggest movies at the box office tend to be about the survival of the human race, and plenty of comedies have life-or-death stakes. You could stretch the definitionContinue reading “All By Myself: Another ‘Survivor’ Lives To Tell”


It’s that time of year again, folks! What I like to call “movie Christmas.” And like an actual holiday, the Academy Awards often end up as more of a disappointment than anything else — any Oscars handed out to not-so-great nominated films like Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close and The Iron Lady can be chalkedContinue reading “NOT-OSCARS 2011”


Is it me, or were 2011’s movies more united by theme this year than is usual? Nostalgia was the big one, with several titles capitalizing not just on our nostalgia of a past era, but of movies from a past era — from silent films to Spielberg blockbusters and everything in between. Films like TheContinue reading “TOP TEN FILMS: 2011”

‘Hanna’ Barbaric

From the Vault: Here is my review of Hanna, originally posted on my dear friend Austin’s Fabulous Apple blog. Now on DVD, and sure to rank very highly in my year-end list. Have at it: One word to describe the new film Hanna? This movie is gonzo.